Circuit Breaker collaborative art show at TWU

Circuit Breaker was a collaborative immersive electronic art installation, featuring solo works by myself, Michael A. Morris, and Luke Hardnen at the Texas Womens University art gallery.  Featuring installations receiving interactive data from the internet, we created an immersive experience and hosted an artist discussion panel over the course of the month-long installation.

The theme of the Circuit Breaker is a participatory multimedia installation that considers the cause-and-effect relationship between information flow and the various levels through which it cascades – shifting with individual and collective perceptions, commentaries, and energies – challenging viewers to stop and think about their position within the social media and Internet food chains.

This piece was cultivated from the observation of the potential dangers of internet slander.

Shot through the heart of the verses. arrows, Python generated texts, receipt paper 2016

Shot through the heart of the verses. arrows, Python generated texts, receipt paper 2016
Shot through the heart of the verses. arrows, Python generated texts, receipt paper 2016


This was a python generated script that scanned twitter for common uses of phrases.  The printers were paired against each other to see which would produce the most content based upon its subjective search query.

Race against reason. Python script, raspberry pi, receipt printer, rolls of receipt paper
Race against reason. Python script, raspberry pi, receipt printer, rolls of receipt paper 2016


Defamation Heat-damaged receipt paper, acrylic, heat lamp
Defamation Heat-damaged receipt paper, acrylic, heat lamp 2016



Interactive installation by Michael A Morris
Interactive installation by Michael A Morris
Installation by Luke Harnden
Installation by Luke Hardnen


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